Oh, peppy, perfect Peppermint - how we adore you! Peppermint essential oil, one of the most recognizable and well-rounded of all the essential oils, is (no exaggeration intended) life-changing! When used sunup to sundown, in crisp diffuser blends in... (Read More)
Can essential oils change your life? They sure have changed ours! From a lavender-infused bedtime routine to a cleaner-smelling lemon-y kitchen, we have the tips and tricks you need to start using essential oils. Read on for four ways to go from... (Read More)
How you end the day makes all the difference. Your evening routine can either set you up for a cheerful and fulfilling day or one full of frustration and exhaustion. Here are seven steps you can take to create a successful bedtime routine that will... (Read More)
Slip into crisp, clean sheets, crack open a new novel, and set the stage for drifting into dreamland. Slipping into slumber can be easy, thanks to the calming and relaxing aromas of the right essential oils. When it’s time to go to sleep, these... (Read More)
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), being physically active can play a major role in preventing heart disease and stroke, the No. 1 and No. 5 killers in the United States. So what’s an easy way for you to get up and improve your... (Read More)
Grocery store salad dressings are full of all sorts of questionable ingredients these days—not to mention excess fat, sugar, and sodium. Use these recipes to whip up your own and feel good knowing exactly what’s in them, plus enjoy incredible... (Read More)
Welcome, gentlemen, this one’s just for you. Ladies, since you’re already here, you can check it out, too. Incorporating essential oils into your life isn’t just easy—it can also put a manly spring in your step. Pretty soon, you’ll be... (Read More)
Set the stage for a great day by changing up your morning routine! Whether or not you’re an early riser, you can maximize your morning by taking the time to prepare for your day in the right way.
How often do you feel like your day started on... (Read More)
Managing money can seem daunting, but it doesn’t need to be an intimidating process! Like your health and relationships, everyday choices create your long-term outcomes. Whether financial freedom is a goal or a reality, see how these small changes... (Read More)